Over 95% of the prison population today will be released at some point in the future.
(U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Reentry Trends in the United States").
​In Texas, the total inmate population stands at 145,019 (132,943 males) in FY2018 and more than 84,495 (74,652 males) were under active supervision. 65,710 adults (54,911 males) were received into the system.
(TDCJ Statistical Report Fiscal Year 2015)
65,110 adults (54,355 males) were released FY2018 of which 84%+ were placed on parole or community supervision (probation) (TDCJ Statistical Report Fiscal Year 2018).
Over 9,000 men who had been convicted in Dallas and adjacent counties served by One Man’s Treasure are estimated to return to the area (22,000 in North Texas)
(Region II TDCJ Parole).
FY 2018 Texas Department of Criminal Justice Agency Budget was set at over $3.3 billion
(Texas Department of Criminal Justice Agency Operating Budget 2018).
Nationwide recidivism rates have remained high for the last decade finding that roughly 67% of offenders released from state prisons return to the system within three years.
(U. S. Bureau of Justice)
Texas recidivism rate (return to prison) between 20.3% and 44.3% depending on what type of facility the individual was incarcerated in.
(Legislative Budget Board Statewide Criminal and Juvenile Justice Recidivism and Revocation Rates 2018)
One by one, we can make a difference! Six annual recidivism studies of One Man’s Treasure’s clients three years after they were released show that only 13% were re-incarcerated.
What Is the Recidivism Rate?
Recidivism is the act of reengaging in criminal offending despite having been punished. The prison recidivism rate—the subject of this report—is the proportion of persons released from prison who are rearrested, re-convicted or returned to custody within a specific time period. Typically, recidivism studies follow released offenders for three years following their release from prison or placement on probation.
(The Pew Center on the States-State of Recidivism: The Revolving Door of American Prisons 2011)
Recidivism in Texas: Percentage of adults incarcerated or reincarcerated within three years after their release from incarceration in TDCJ facility.
Prison 21.4%, State Jail 30.7%, Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) 44.1%, In-Prison Therapeutic Community 23.1%, Intermediate Sanction Facility 36.5 (Legislative Budget Board Statewide Criminal and Juvenile Justice Recidivism and Revocation Rates-February 2015)
Of the 87,029 adult parolees, 5,629 were returned to incarceration in FY2014. Of those adult parolees, a total of 4,506 (80.0 percent) were returned to prison for a new offense. Technical violators accounted for 20.0 percent of the revoked parolees.
(Legislative Budget Board Statewide Criminal and Juvenile Justice Recidivism and Revocation Rates-February 2015.)