Reentry Service & Prison Ministry Partners
These organizations collaborate in identifying men who need clothing assistance and providing information on the application process to them while they are still incarcerated or when they are released.
Abode Treatment, Inc
Bridges to Life
Calvary Commissions
Care Center Ministry
Coalition of Churches in Prison Ministry
Dallas Leadership Foundation
Free Man House
Freedom In Community Restorative Ministry
Forgiven Felons
Karios Prison Ministry
Lovers Lane UMC Prison Ministry
Management and Training Corporation
Miles of Freedom
Oasis Center
Prestonwood Restorative Justice Ministry
Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP)
Prison Fellowship
ROD Ministries
Straight Street Ministries
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Trinity Restoration Ministries
The Way Back
Volunteers of America
Unlocking Doors
Youth Offender Reentry Program (YORP)